Sunday 3 July 2011

The EMET mod!

Hey guys, I can confirm a new mod that is coming to minecraft.
Once Minecraft is 1.8 and I've finished updating USkele to 1.8, I will begin on the mega-project EMET!

The EMET(Experimental Mob Experience Test) will be a Play as the Mobs mod!

There will be 9 different mobs that the player can choose the play as!
Sounds downright impossible right? Nope!

With the right tools, this can be done!

the 9 mobs include:

Creeper: Ability to explode, swell up, look and sound like a creeper, creeper tools ETC.

Skeleton: Burning during daylight, new arrows and bows, look and sound like a skeleton ETC.

Spider: Climb anything, Hiss and look like a creeper, fast ETC.

Zombie: Slow moving, high damage, look and sound like a zombie, burn during daylight ETC.

Zombie Pigman: Ability to craft a special gold sword very early, look and s-you get it, very damaging, but slow ETC.

Ghast: Ability to fly, shoot fireballs, low health ETC.

Pig: Replace damaged limbs with spare flesh(porkchops heal much more health.), Agile and fast, Quink :D

Sheep: Undecided.

Cow: Undecided.

1 comment:

  1. Please.Niceonegunit Release this mod i want to play this mod!
